Thursday, February 24, 2011

Save Worthing Theatres

If you are wealthy then perhaps you can afford to buy expensive West End theatre tickets but for most of us that would be a luxury beyond our purse.. The arts, culture and theatre are under attack once again and we are told it is all a case of priorities.Yet that does not stop the same Con Dems cutting and closing libraries, schools, health and all our other essential services.

Local theatre and the arts plays an important role in the life of communities, needing to be defended just as much. We are entilted to see, as a right, live plays and performances which are not only entertaining but also challenging, reflecting the  experiences and aspirations of  local people.

Access to the theatre in its widest form, at affordable prices, is a right and not just a privelege for the few  We do not believe that culture, the arts and entertainment starts and ends with soap operas and adverts.
Across the country, there are many examples of very successful local theatres which have not only been revived but grown, establishing national and international reputations. These have been achieved through imaginative programmes catering for all the communities of the area and risking challenging events. One fine example is that of the famous Trycicle Theatre in Brent.

So when we are told The Connaught should shut as it is an unsustainable business, that is quite simply garbage. Review the programmes, reach out to the communities of Worthing, involve all of us in its acvtivities and once again it will become sustainable. Accountants have little imagination and should move over, the arts are too valuable to be left to them.

The same goes for the Assembley Hall. Perhaps those in power do not like the idea of the community having a place they can hire for a large public meeting place to express how they think and to oppose their austerity plans. Live theatre in these places can be far more radical and entertaining than the poor performances of those who claim to represent us, as they vote in cuts and closures, at Council meetings.

Worthing Solidarity Network is joining in with others to campaign to defend the arts and the theatres of Worthing. There is an online petition which we urge readers to sign.

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