Friday, February 11, 2011

Sign the Online Statement against David Cameron's muliculturalism speech


Freemovement - Say No to Removals/Deportations

David Cameron's 'Munich' speech was reminiscent of Margaret Thatcher's infamous 1978 statement that Britain was "being swamped by alien cultures". He has branded Britain 's Muslims as the new "enemy within" in the same way as Thatcher attacked the miners and trade unions.

Many of us have been wondering when David Cameron would try to divide us by playing the race card and what disguise he would use as cover for his racism. Now we know - multiculturalism. Coinciding with the nazi EDL's attempt to whip up racist divisions in Luton and the gloriously multicultural revolution in
Tahrir Square
in Cairo, his profoundly ignorant yet calculated 'Munich' speech will have sent shivers up many a spine. Yet we can turn this attack into another defeat for him.
Yesterday the Guardian published a statement supported by a wide range of individuals and organisations. Many of those who have already signed are keen to launch a campaign based around the defence of multiculturalism and opposition to Cameron's Islamophobia.

You too can add your signature.

Jock Morris / Glasgow Campaign to Welcome Refugees

Text and initial signatories below

You can sign the Online petition  here . . . .

Defend multiculturalism, don't let Cameron divide us

We believe David Cameron's statement that multiculturalism has failed was a dangerous declaration of intent. David Cameron's speech was reminiscent of Margaret Thatcher's infamous 1978 statement that Britain was "being swamped by alien cultures". He has branded Britain's Muslims as the new "enemy within" in the same way as Thatcher attacked the miners and trade unions.
David Cameron is attempting to drive a wedge between different communities by linking Britain's multicultural society with terrorism and national security. David Cameron's speech was made on the same day as the English Defence League brought its bigotry and violence to the streets of Luton. Mr Cameron's aim is simple as it is crude - to deflect the anger against his government's cuts from the bankers and onto the Muslim community. The prime minister is aping attacks by other European leaders like France's Nicolas Sarkozy, who passed legislation banning the veil, and Angela Merkel, who has also made statements denouncing multiculturalism in Germany.
We the undersigned believe that our multicultural society and the respect and solidarity it is built on is a cause for pride, and reject any moves by this government to undermine and destroy it.

We must not allow this coalition government to turn the tide back to the days when it was acceptable, through ignorance and fear, for people with a different religion, culture or skin colour to be scapegoated and treated as inferior or outsiders.

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