Tuesday, March 8, 2011

West Sussex cuts update

37 more job cuts in children and young people's services in West Sussex. So much for protecting front line services. The uncaring and heartless face of the Con Dems shows its true character. £7 million in savings over 3 years so that the bankers can make profits and bonuses at our expense. If you are weak, vulnerable, on low pay, dependant on public services, unemployed or poor then you are not their priority.

Now there must be local elections coming up because they have also announced free public transport for faith schools will not be hit. However, students over 16  will lose their free travel and parents of special needs children are to be told to pay at least half the cost.


The further announcements on job losses in West Sussex, following the cuts budget, shows frontline workers will face even more stress and difficulties in delivering essential services. Clearly bankers are facing similar strains in their workload and quality of life. Remember we are, as Cameron said,"all in it together", not!


Then ofcourse, following all this, are the proposed cuts, closures and privatisation to the local hospitals and NHS services. Commissioning of GP services will no doubt be presented as a sound investment opportunity to some get rich quick kids in the City whilst disability benefits  are means tested and cut.
So if you too are fed up over the news, there is an answer to all this. Contact your local union, anti-cuts committee or Worthing Solidarity Network and ask for a free ticket to come to London and join the TUC demo on March 26th. There is an alternative but it requires your support.

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